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Does your hiring process involve recruitment tools?

5 Recruitment Tools That Are More of a Crutch Than a Solution

Smart recruiters and hiring managers are always striving to improve their process, either by increasing efficiency or improving outcomes. As companies seek scalable solutions that can support ongoing growth objectives, building a competitive approach to recruitment is critical. But how do savvy recruiting specialists identify, incorporate, and leverage the right tools for reliable outcomes?

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virtual interview

4 Ways Digital Interviewing Has Changed For Good Since The Pandemic

The past few years have seen a lot of change in the world of digital interviewing. Since the pandemic, digital interviewing has become more common. In fact, this approach to recruiting has become the norm. New technology lets employers interview candidates in a more efficient and convenient manner, saving both time and money. What’s more, digital interviewing can help identify potential candidates who may not have previously been open to traveling to do an in-person interview.

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3 Ways Similarity Bias is Causing Your Team to Miss Their Goals

There are several kinds of unconscious bias that sneak into the hiring process, one of which is similarity bias. This can manifest as a preference for people who are similar in appearance, background, or beliefs. It is usually an unconscious bias and occurs because humans subconsciously tend to see themselves and those who are similar in a favorable light. Understanding the existence and nature of unconscious bias is essential when interviewing and hiring potential employees, as it can lead to bad hiring decisions or limit your candidate options during the hiring process.

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Practicing Professional Self-Care

It’s a new year and it's a new you! You vowed to stick to that resolution; have you?  

Hopefully, most of us are on the right path to rocking that resolution; we have planned out our personal goals and tapped into our friends and family to hold us accountable. Or, maybe you thought about it and... well, that’s where it ended. Regardless of where you fall with your personal resolutions, we need to know…. Have you created your own professional resolution

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Recruiting For Fast Hiring Jobs: Variables to Consider

The competitive battle for A-players got even more intense in the last year. Covid-19 brought on seemingly overnight cutbacks, and a mind-blowingly quick transition to working remotely, forcing companies to revise their standard hiring practices practically overnight. As we emerge from the pandemic, the way we all operate and work has changed and along with that, what candidates are looking for in their employer. 

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