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Does your hiring process involve recruitment tools?

5 Recruitment Tools That Are More of a Crutch Than a Solution

Smart recruiters and hiring managers are always striving to improve their process, either by increasing efficiency or improving outcomes. As companies seek scalable solutions that can support ongoing growth objectives, building a competitive approach to recruitment is critical. But how do savvy recruiting specialists identify, incorporate, and leverage the right tools for reliable outcomes?

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virtual interview

4 Ways Digital Interviewing Has Changed For Good Since The Pandemic

The past few years have seen a lot of change in the world of digital interviewing. Since the pandemic, digital interviewing has become more common. In fact, this approach to recruiting has become the norm. New technology lets employers interview candidates in a more efficient and convenient manner, saving both time and money. What’s more, digital interviewing can help identify potential candidates who may not have previously been open to traveling to do an in-person interview.

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