What are your hiring resolutions for 2022?

While your thoughts may still be focused on gift-giving and family gatherings, the New Year is just around the corner, bringing with it a clean slate, and lots of resolutions to do things differently.
And while many resolutions will focus on eliminating bad habits, improving relationships, or that “COVID fifteen”, at HireBest, our resolutions take on a slightly different look. OK… yes, we’re the talent nerds who make resolutions to EVEN FURTHER improve our interviewing and hiring practices.
After 2020, we didn’t think that 2021 would bring as much change to the working world. From the Great Resignation to the “return-to-work” that largely remains to happen, plus the lingering effects of the pandemic, economic uncertainty, and shifting dynamics of the workforce, 2021 was a year of great change. All of this will require us to think differently about our hiring decisions and workforce strategies going into the new year.
Before we disclose OUR resolutions, we want to hear from YOU! The TA specialists, the recruiters, the hiring managers, the CEO’s and business owners… we want to know what hiring, talent acquisition, and people management resolutions you have in mind for 2022.
Maybe you’re thinking about improving your employee retention rate, improving your onboarding process, or decreasing turnover? Or maybe you recently recognized the importance of structured interviews, and how they can dramatically improve your hiring success rate? How are you planning to implement these changes, and how will you hold yourself accountable?
Whatever your goals for 2022, let us know in the comments, or if you’re feeling shy you can email us at info@hirebest.net, with the subject line “Resolutions.”
Then go back to enjoying the holidays with your families and friends – and from all of us at HireBest, Happy New Year!